This is a very common question pertaining to the relative rights between unmarried couples who co-own property. In other words, home ownership among nonmarried couples. Typically, a boyfriend-girlfriend decide to buy real estate together and the deed lists both of them as co-owners of the property. Soon, things go south and the parties start fighting
The purpose of this article is to give interested parties an overview of the commercial leasing process. This memorandum is not intended to establish an attorney client relationship and the information provided herein is strictly for informational purposes only. When preparing to acquire a commercial property, either by lease or purchase, the principal of “caveat
The amount of the EMD should be discussed with your real estate agent. As a seller, this can be an important consideration to prevent a buyer from walking away from the contract. For a buyer, the “good faith” deposit amount confirms to the seller your intent to complete the transaction. What is an Ernest Money