LLC Intake

    LLC Intake

    LLC/S/C/LP name
    Please provide three choices in order of preference

    State of incorporation : Virginia
    Name and address of initial agent for service of process : For Virginia corporations, this can be a natural person residing in Virginia. Alternatively, you can engage a corporate entity that provides services as a “Service of Process Agent,” which charges an annual fee. A corporate entity is used for all non-Virginia corporations

    Name and address of incorporator :
    Note: The incorporator submits initial certificate of incorporation and files it with the Virginia State Corporation Commission. The incorporator also has the power to do those things necessary for the initial organization of the corporation, including electing directors and adopting bylaws. The incorporator need not be a Virginia resident.

    Names and Contact Info of Initial Members:

    Member or Manager Managed ?
    If Manager, please provide the following information

    Principal Executive Office
    Address and phone number

    Fiscal year or calendar year

    Number of Membership Units to be authorized in Operating Agreement
    Fair Market Value or price per share
    Member Name Address Description of Consideration (e.g., cash, technology, etc.) Phone No./E-mail No. of Units
    Information regarding EIN
    Check one that best describes the principal activity of the company’s business
    Date when wages or annuities will first be paid
    What is the highest number of employees expected in the following categories in the first year of the company’s operations?
    Agricultural Household Other
    The social security number of any one officer of the Company who will be signing the Form SS4 will be needed: (THEY WILL NEED TO COMPLETE FORM SS-4, SIGN, AND SEND IT TO US VIA OUR SECURE COSMOLEX SERVER)
    Other Matters to be Discussed
    Consider whether any intellectual property should be protected by patent, copyright, trademark, etc.
    Does the Company plan on having any employees or offices located outside of Virginia or to transact any significant business in a State other than Virginia?
    Any information regarding consultants or employees?

    Schedule Your Consultation Now!

    Call Now 703-652-5506

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